BASE TECH develops cost-effective solutions for you, tailor-made for your individual needs. The available systems include the results of research and development as well as our longterm practical  experiences.

Dr.-Ing. Margarita Winter, the manager, has the practical expertise and the technical know-how. She has written scientific papers on metabolization of persistent organics, on elimination of nutrients etc. For over 20 years, she has been projecting and building sewage plants of different types and sizes for industries, trades, communities and private investors.

For the BASE TECH -team, the running operation costs of a plant are important criteria for decisions. Clients select  more and more the natural disposal processes and in this way they turn ... 

Economy and Ecology into Harmony!

Our comprehensive services to you:

Investigation of your wastewater or your old sites 
Prestudies and variant-studies as base for decisions
System analysis and feasibility-studies of site locations
Pilot scale plant operation with mobile testmodules
(for special waste water)
Requesting for bids
Supervision of construction
Start up
Supervision of the operating personnel
Staff training
Project documentation
Continous servicing of the plant 

… Besides we are your partner for …

Complete turnkey plants
New building for (waste)water purification plants
Extension of sewage plants and readjusting
Different models of financing
… And much more



What can we do for you?